Splitboard Mountaineering and Leveling Up with Colorado Adventure Guides

Have you ever looked at strips of snow that run down a mountain in the distance and think, “that would be so sick to ride(!!!)”? But then that thought is followed by: (1) I don’t know how to drop into that line, or if you do know, then (2) I don’t know how to exit it in one piece.

DONE AND DUSTED: Recap and lessons learned from my first MTB enduro race

Enduro racing has always been on my mind since I started mountain biking 3 years ago. But throughout that time, I never felt ready. Every time I wanted to sign up for a race, fear would pop up in the form of an excuse for why I shouldn’t do it. It’s too hard. I won’t finish. I’ll finish last. It’s too expensive and far away. I have to wash my hair that weekend.